FEF India Fashion Awards

Events & Initiatives

Since its establishment in 2019, the FEF-IFA has been committed to nurturing and celebrating the Indian Fashion Industry. Our dedication is evident in the array of initiatives we curate, each showcasing the ingenuity and creativity inherent in our fashion landscape. From fostering emerging and established talents to fostering new brands, we’re inspired by the dedication and passion that goes into honing one’s craft. Through a diverse range of events, including prestigious award ceremonies, impactful fundraisers, and engaging social gatherings, we aim to weave together the rich tapestry of our artistic community. Our initiatives shine with warmth and camaraderie, illuminated by the presence of esteemed fashion professionals.

Show Director Night

The Show Directors are the real puppeteers behind the fashion show, they are the glue that bind the whole show together, but, their efforts largely remain unacknowledged. Through the Show Director’s Night, we aimed to honor their journey through a celebration as well as bring brands and the show directors under one roof to build new business alliances through which more employment opportunities could be created within the Industry.
FEF India Fashion Awards
Our annual awards ceremony recognizes the outstanding efforts showcased by each industry member and felicitates them on the basis of their contribution to the Indian Fashion industry on the basis of innovation, creativity and business in that respective year.

Fashion Entrepreneur Fund

When fashion is your passion, and your heart is brimming with ideas, the desire to experiment and create something empowering is unstoppable. Yet, the lack of adequate resources can be disheartening, hindering your journey to realise your fashion dreams. This is where FEF steps in. As the first-of-its-kind venture studio for fashion, the Fashion Entrepreneur Fund emerges as a beacon of support for budding entrepreneurs in the fashion industry. Our platform welcomes all industry members to participate in this initiative, offering an opportunity to secure investment for their business ventures.

Furthermore, the program will be a competitive event, with a panel of esteemed members selecting the most promising entrepreneurs for support. The Fashion Entrepreneur Fund currently boasts a presence in over 40 cities and is expanding rapidly across India. This provides entrepreneurs with a nationwide platform to promote their brands and cultivate a loyal customer base through our collaborative efforts.

Our Sponsors

We are proud to collaborate with esteemed partners

Disclaimer - FEF India Fashion Awards has no association with the FDCI India Fashion Awards